Home Show Season! Lots of rollout shelves to showcase!
We are heading into what we affectionately call “Home Show Season” here at the shop. This means that from January through April we spend a lot of our time out and about meeting potential customers and exhibiting our products. We also get the opportunity to see many familiar faces as past customers stop in to say “hi” at the different shows. It is wonderful and exhausting! For those that have seen our exhibit, you know we set up a big display full of kitchen ideas. We even have some days where we tear down the display in the morning and take it directly to the next event.
Here is a list of what we have coming up.
Home Improvement and Design Expo at Canterbury Park
January 13 http://www.mediamaxevents.com/shows/
Minneapolis Home and Remodeling Show at US Bank Stadium
February 16-18 https://minneapolishomeandremodelingshow.com/
Home and Patio Show at Rivercenter
February 22-25 http://homeandpatioshow.com/
Home Improvement and Design Expo in Lakeville
March 10 http://www.mediamaxevents.com/shows/
Home Improvement and Design Expo in Maple Grove
March 17 http://www.mediamaxevents.com/shows/
Rochester Home and Garden
March 24-25 https://rochesterhomebuilders.com/events-2/
Home Improvement and Design Expo in Blaine
March 24 http://www.mediamaxevents.com/shows/
Home Improvement and Design Expo in Woodbury
March 25 http://www.mediamaxevents.com/shows/
Home and Garden Show at Minneapolis Convention Center
March 30-April 1 and April 6-8 https://homeandgardenshow.com/
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